January Update (2024)

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 Hello, and firstly, thank you for reading!

I've created this small (this ones long) newsletter to keep you up to date with any future workshops, news or offerings that you may like to know about. It's also my intention to share other grassroots herbal/land/community projects near and far, see that at the bottom.

As this is my first-ever newsletter, I thought it would be good to give you a short review of this project, From The Soil Herbal, now almost 3 years old!

I started From The Soil in May 2021 to share practical herbal medicine-making skills, build community, and do my part to make herbalism a little more accessible to my local community. Since my first backyard workshop, I've run around 19 workshops at venues and festivals, sharing practical medicine-making skills with somewhere around 180-people. Woah! 

In parts of 2021/22, I grew, made and sold herbal products locally, ranging from herbal oils and balms to tea blends and incense. I loved the making process, but didn't love the early market wake-up time and slightly strange 'sales lady' feeling it left me with, I decided to take a break from this and focus on workshops and uni studies. I also buckled down and completed a one year Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine at Torren's Uni. 

Last year, I took a year off studying year two of the degree and dedicated much of the year to capitalism (work), growing herbs in the garden (which also became a social farm), and went travelling for six weeks to the place where I first studied with the plants (UK) to learn from some of my favourite herbs and herb teachers - Solidarity Apothecary and the School of Intuitive Herbalism. I was also lucky to check out the Power of Plants festival, Landskills Fair and Green Gathering. At these events, there were some really powerful talks and presentations on decolonising herbalism, land justice, cultivating care and community, East African herbalism, community herbalism, mutual aid, and lots and lots of singing/crying. I drank a Mugwort beer too. It was a huge year for sure.

This year, I'm back to the study books soon and planning for what the year ahead will hold. The first offering is something I've been really excited to share for a while, and now in mid-Summer(Birak), the herb garden is popping off, shelves of herb jars, herbal oils and tinctures slightly overfilling, and this home/community herbalist very eager to share these medicines with you soon!

 New Workshop coming in February

10th February, 8.30am-12pm in Cowaramup.

I'll be hosting a morning of hands-on practical tincture-making in the herb garden and the shady bell tent camp at Growing Place Social Farm.

Deep dive into the processes of making tinctures with freshly harvested medicinal plants from the farm garden. You will have the option to walk around the garden and choose which plant you'd like to work with or be provided/recommend a herb to work with (Over 20 herbs to choose from)

This workshop aims to provide you with practical skills and take-home recipes to make simple and potent herbal tinctures for common ailments.

We will also discuss the potency and practicalities of undergoing a herbal immersion with this plant tincture at home.

All material included. Take home a 300ml tincture + recipes + herbal refreshments provided.

Community Herbal + Land Care Projects

Nala Boodjar Eco Clan

This year, I'm sitting with renewed curiosity around unlearning, reflecting and decolonising my herbal and land care journey (and self) through continual listening to, supporting and upholding of First Nations voices, projects, organisations and grassroots actions. If you're also curious, I recommend following local Nala Boodjar Eco Clan Aboriginal Corporation (NBECAC) on Facebook, or joining as a volunteer/member to their upcoming busy bees. This organisation are bringing people together going forwards, to share songlines, facilitate storytelling and create wellbeing programs.

This year, 10% of my workshop income will be direct to NBECAC, as well as supporting in their mission to build a healing centre on country. NBECAC are seeking donations, members and on ground support in 2024. Read more here.

Rad Herb Australia

Last year, the folks at Rad Herb Australia put a public call-out for herb growers/seed collectors to join an Australia-wide Rad Herb Seed Dispersal Collective. This collective has met a few times via zoom in 2023, where medicinal seeds growing lists and seeds are being shared, with the vision to make medicinal herbs more accessible (at no cost) to the public. If you'd like to get involved, drop Rad Herb Australia a message or, follow them for announcements.

Image of Artist Elaine Cloherty Community land art project via NBECAC Facebook page.


March Update (2024)