Empowered by grass-roots herbalism, land care and community building.

Tamara (she/her) living on unceded Wadandi Boodja.

Hello. I am a student herbalist, workshop facilitator and medicine maker who began studying & immersing in grass-roots herbalism five years ago.

The name 'From The Soil' came from a love of caring for my home garden in 2020. My recent approach to herbalism is informed by my Health Science studies, practical medicine making, as well as curiosity surrounding themes of herbal ritual for a personal connection to land, and decolonizing herbalism.

Through my workshops, I aim to highlight the importance of learner-centred learning, personal connection to plants for healing, community-sufficiency building, as well as the joy that slow and simple home herbalism can bring to our daily lives.

Qualifications & Certs

Diploma of Health Science (Western Herbal Medicine)

Cert III Permaculture + Permaculture Teacher Training

Courses & Teachers:

Introduction to Intuitive Herbalism and 5-day Herbal Immersion - School of Intuitive Herbalism

Practical Medicine-Making Course - Solidarity Apothecary, Rasheeqa Ahmad

Queering Regenerative Design - PermaQueer

Permaculture Design Course - Fair Harvest Permaculture

Current studies

Bachelor of Heath Science (Western Herbal Medicine)